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Safest and natural cures for neuritis Neuritis is a term that is used to describe the inflammation of nerves and then be it a single nerve or many nerves.When inflammation takes place in the optic nerve, it is known as optic neuritis.It is this optic neuritis that becomes a cause for acute vision loss.When only a single nerve gets inflated, the condition is known as mononeuritis.And on the contrary, when a series of nerves get affected, it is called polyneuritis. A cup of this milk, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, should be taken every night.It tones up the nervous system due to its rich concentration of lecithin, vitamin b and glutamic acid.Soya bean milk is prepared by soaking the beans in water for about twelve hours.The skin of the beans is then removed and after a thorough wash, they are turned into a fine paste in a grinding machine.The paste is mixed with water, three times its quantity.The milk is then boiled on a slow fire, and stirred frequently.After it becomes a little cooler, it should be strained through a cheesecloth and sugar added to it. Raw carrots and spinach are considered valuable in the treatment of neuritis.Mix 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice and drink this combined juice everyday and see the wonderful effects. Ask someone massage the affected area with herbal oils using knuckles and increasing pressure slowly.After a few minutes you will feel less discomfort.This gets rid of tension and relaxes the muscles in that area. Soak soya beans in water for 12 North Face Outlet UK hours.Peel them and wash well.Grind to a fine paste.Add water and boil well strain. Barley brew is another effective remedy.Boil one fourth cup of natural barley in 2 quarters of water till it has reduced to 1 quarter.Strain it carefully and mix it with lime juice and buttermilk north face online mens navy blue jackets windbreaker for better results. Homeopathic remedy for sciatica, neuralgia, neuritis a combination remedy is just what it says it is-A combination of North Face Outlet Sale several of the single mineral tissue salts, which have been chosen for their suitability in treating certain conditions and combined together for their convenience. It is very important to give a chance to during the acute phase of the inflammation, to give a chance to the affected area to recuperate.The affected area can also be relaxed and soothed by applying packs of cold clay and by using hydrotherapy as an external pain relieving measure.Using apple cider vinegar as a light massage on the area is beneficial especially if pain is present or noticeable.The application can be done with a small soft cotton cloth, dipped in a mixture of 2 cups of lukewarm water and half a cup of the apple cider vinegar.Till the time the pain recedes lightly swipe the painful part with upward strokes of the cloth.Circulation is aided and bolstered by even a moderate amount of exercise, preferably undertaken in the fresh air of the outdoors.For half an hour each day, permit yourself to take sunbaths for health.